Consider this~

You’ll notice that there are no ads on this site, anywhere.
I’m currently working on the second a series of books based on photography of and commentary about my time in China. Doing so requires fuel. If you’d like to be a part of the energy that creates these books, you can be by clicking here.
The websites you see, here at and, with their photos, descriptions and musings were made in the evenings, weekends and holidays when I was able to steal time from my teaching schedule.
Let’s help steal that time back~ I’ve left China now and have moved back to the US to study and write. The support that people have been able to give through the Patreon site linked above has been a real part of making this possible. I’m inviting you to be a part of the completion of this project in this page.

I’d love to be able to offer well thought-out work more than once every five years. That has been my regular output since 1995, except for when I was producing a bit more while in Seattle about fifteen years ago while I was fully supported by scholarship, a few side-jobs, and the arts.
Teaching these last 14 years has allowed a good balance of work and creativity. I had hoped for a book in the summer of 2020. With the Corona-outbreak, all bets were off. Now, the first book is complete, but a second is required. I’m finally on the push with completion of the next book.
Two separate focuses for how I’m directing my writing are: 1. A more concise and expanded descriptive-accompaniment to the photos that are there, and 2. A discourse of reflection about the cultural aspects I learned or experienced.

I hope you want to see the next book happen! I hope you are inspired to help join in the effort to support your friendly, intrepid traveler, who can serve up a vast torrent of observations and ponderings from a perspective that is obviously unique, but not so different from yours in origin. Looking forward to sharing.
Be well ~ Jimmer ~