Wow! Summer!
Okay, so as with all seasons, this one is tempered with hope, struggles, a feeling of newness, its connection to history, possibilities, and limitations.

Completing a term of study with two A’s and a B is a pleasant achievement. The B was in a course that was incredibly difficult for me and required so much time that if I were to do it all over again… I might choose differently. Hah! The English courses were great. Thankfully, the next course of Chinese language studies (the B) is a 301 following the 302 and 304 that I’ve already taken. Heh. Yea… That’ll be nice.

Otherwise, books seem on the way~
Publishing one for a housemate and friend through Oblectation this month and plan to do one of my own as well. Offering the possibility to others and being able to open my work to ready-access again will be nice. So pleased about this.

Logistics for the summer are tight~
Moving house, camping, visiting family, events, so many great things, and with luck, I’ll remember to rotate my vocabulary terms to keep my head ready for language studies in the Fall again when I return for my first 400-level English class alongside a Medieval Literature course as well. Yikes! Hah! The things we do for fun…

I hope you’re well out there. May these images and thoughts add to the narrative of modern times just a little. Some things are going okay here. I hope you can say the same, even with it all. Yes, really.
For me, it’s about sticking to goals and being flexible with them as well. Allowing the voices of strangers to impact my thinking in hopes of a better tomorrow helps me create my outlook. Like Thought-wind.