Book recommendations

Book recommendations

Recently, my University asked for recommendations regarding books that would be valuable for a publication they are putting together in relation to Black History Month. Below are my submissions.

Upper Hand, The Future of Work for the Rest of Us, by Sherrell Dorsey, speaks directly to Black people in the scope of participating in the broader, American business world.

~Once the relatively safer space of school is over and the gloves are off, so to speak, in the competitive world beyond; there are quite a few variables that do well to be examined with a particular lens. This book speaks in that voice. The intended audience is for those who would enter management and executive-level engagement with business, especially Black and Brown communities who have been historically marginalized by a dominant Euro-American culture that has excluded others for whatever misguided reasons that inspired them. It focuses on modern technology’s impact on disparity and inequality and shares insights that are immediately applicable both for short and long-term growth.

Dorsey’s broader work can otherwise be found at

In addition, Jamila Lyiscott’s new work Black Appetite. White Food. is an excellent text for aspirant teachers. It speaks directly to pedagogy and how educators can do better in the classrooms for people who would otherwise be in what amounts to a cultural desert, being fed the canned material of an unexamined curriculum. It offers strategic insights towards the examination of one’s own work so that the time spent in classrooms can be that much more impactful towards a better tomorrow.

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